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GM Ringway terms and conditions:

  • The GM Ringway trail is for walkers and runners only
  • People use the GM Ringway trail at their own risk
  • People are advised to wear suitable, seasonal clothing including windproof / waterproof jacket, appropriate, sensible walking footwear and sun protection
  • People are advised to carry water and their personal medication, if any
  • People who have an underlying health condition (for example those with asthma, a heart or respiratory condition or arthritis) should seek medical advice on the prudence or otherwise of undertaking the walk and take that advice
  • The GM Ringway trail includes variable surfaces. It may be uneven with vegetation, tree roots and other trip hazards. It may be wet, muddy, slippery or icy. Extra care should be taken by the less mobile and walkers should consider their health condition, age, experience and fitness level
  • Much of the GM Ringway trail runs through areas without streetlighting. We advise against using the trail during the hours of darkness
  • Many parts of the GM Ringway trail are not fully accessible for wheelchairs, prams or pushchairs
  • Dogs must be kept on a short lead and under control at all times. Dog excrement must be immediately removed, bagged and put in a designated bin or taken away.

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